We are excited to announce that the call for submissions to the ITE Pakistan Journal is now open! This is a unique opportunity for Transportation Organizations, professionals, researchers, and academics in the field of transportation and urban planning to showcase their work and contribute to the First of its own kind, Internationally recognized Journal of Transportation in Pakistan.
2. Informational Pieces.
3. Case Studies
4. Project Showcasing
5. Member Profiles
6. Opinion/Editorials
7. Blog: Mobility Insights from Youth
Some typical topics covered are below, but pieces on other areas of interest to transportation professionals will be considered
Big data · Geometric Design of streets and highways · Connected and automated vehicles · Context sensitive solutions · The role human factors in transportation safety · Expert witness/legal liability · Freeway operations/incident management · Commercial transportation and logistics · Pavement rehabilitation and management · Intelligent transportation systems · Parking · Vulnerable road users · Transportation planning/land use · Policy/legislation · Transportation safety · Traffic operations and management · Smart cities and mobility · Traffic calming · Traffic engineering · Traffic operations · Transit/public transportation · Transportation apps · Transportation demand management · Transportation planning · V2X technologies · Transportation and health
The text of your submission should be no longer than 2,500 words including references, tables, and figure text/captions; however, in the case of research papers for master’s and Ph.D. projects, the maximum word limit is 6000. If your thesis has a higher word count then contact the Research Lead prior to your submission. Each page should be numbered. On the first page, list the title and the name(s) of the author(s); please include full contact information for the corresponding author (the author who will interact with the managing editor). For expediency and efficiency, we request that all correspondence regarding the submission come solely from the designated corresponding author. Authors’ names should be listed in the order you wish them to be published considering the contribution of the authors. Use as little word processing formatting as possible—no more than is needed for clarity.
References are only required for the Research Manuscripts. Your reference list, which should be submitted on a separate page, should include complete citations for only those references cited in the text. Number your references sequentially in the text using superscript. Note: You may “jump around” with references (e.g., 1, 2, 14, 5). Do not label references as footnotes or endnotes. Simply list them at the end of your manuscript in a reference list. Please use the following guidelines when compiling your reference list. Book references should include the following:
Example 1. Stover, V.G. and F.J. Koepke. Transportation and Land Development. Washington, DC, USA: Institute of Transportation Engineers, 1987.
Authors’ names should be spelled and listed as they appear on the title pages of their books; degrees or affiliations should be omitted. In the case of multiple authors, all authors should be listed; the first author’s name is listed last name first (Stover, V.G.), and the other authors are listed normally (F.J. Koepke). If a publication issued by an organization lists no author’s name on the title page, then the organization should be listed as the author.
Journal/Magazine References
References for items published in a journal or magazine should include the following:
Example 2. Jain, R. “Traffic Management During Reconstruction of I-91 in Connecticut.” ITE Journal, Vol. 57, No. 10 (October 1987): 29–32.
Please define all abbreviations at their first mention in the text. Do not assume readers will be familiar with abbreviations and acronyms, regardless of how commonplace they are. Example Most agencies are using some form of intelligent transportation systems (ITS). ITS is the …
Throughout your manuscript, please use English units of measurement. If the research discussed in your manuscript is presented in English units, you must also provide the metric equivalent in parentheses.
Advancing transportation engineering through innovation, collaboration, and professional excellence for a sustainable future in Pakistan.
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