Sober Living

Drinking to Ease Chronic Pain Ultimately Makes It Worse

In the alcohol-dependent mice, allodynia (in which a harmless stimulus is perceived weed paws timeline as painful) developed during alcohol withdrawal, and subsequent alcohol intake significantly decreased pain sensitivity. Separately, about half of the mice that were not dependent on alcohol also showed signs of increased pain sensitivity during withdrawal, but unlike the dependent mice, …

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Best Jobs for Recovering Drug Addicts

This role is ideal for recovering addicts who are looking to channel their energy into a positive and health-focused career. The structured yet calm environment of the library can provide a supportive atmosphere for individuals in recovery to grow professionally and personally. With experience, Recovery Coaches can advance to supervisory or managerial roles within recovery …

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5 Different Types of Alcoholics Types of Drinkers

These symptoms can be mistaken for hangovers, but withdrawal lasts much longer, sometimes up to a week or two. Functional alcoholics are often able to maintain their responsibilities despite their drinking. However, signs that someone may be a functional alcoholic include frequently drinking alone, feeling guilty or defensive about their drinking habits, and experiencing withdrawal …

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